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(847) 446-8335

460 Sunset Ridge Road

Northfield, IL 60093

Did You Know?

April 18, 2023

We Feed the Hungry


Our congregation has been a trusted partner of A Just Harvest, serving hungry people in the Rogers Park community of Chicago for many decades. We serve a hot lunch to 125 hungry neighbors of A Just Harvest, people who would experience food insecurity without this assistance. Our congregation provides ingredients for the meal and the volunteers to serve it for the third Tuesday of each month. You are invited to take part by:

  • Picking up preordered, prepaid food and delivering it to A Just Harvest, 7649 N Paulina St, Chicago (on set day).
  • Donating fruit or cookies, bringing items to church before our serving day.
  • Serving lunch from noon to 2:00 pm. (Volunteers meet at Ascension Church at 10:30 and travel together to the Kitchen, returning to church by 2:30 p.m.)
  • Making a financial contribution to support the purchase of food. (Financial contributions may be made using Realm, specifying A Just Harvest, or leaving a check in the church office.)


Food donors and volunteers, please use our page to indicate your intent to bring specific food needs and your desire to serve on site. Thank you!


For questions, please contact the church office. Thank you for caring.


For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…..Matthew 25:35

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