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Join Us for Christmas Eve!

December 10, 2024

Join Us for Christmas Eve!

In this season of familiar songs and stories, a new hymn catches our ear:

For the poor in heart, Jesus comes to earth.

Humble shepherds share the news.

For each homeless infant born, for the week and those who mourn,

for the weary and the worn, Jesus comes.

(“In a Far-Off Place,” ACS 908)

Here is another familiar thing—the tension between the ways of God and the ways of the world. Many powerful forces colluded against God’s plan—Emperor Augustus ordered a census, King Herod tried to take the child's life. And yet, God’s purposes were accomplished—the Holy Child was born in a borrowed barn; he grew to full stature as Son of Mary and Son of God. We who celebrate that holy birth under unlikely circumstances, continue to pursue God’s ways in the world. As this new hymn sings, “for the weary and the worn, Jesus comes.”

Please join us for worship on Christmas Eve:

A Children’s Christmas, 4 p.m.

Children’s Choir, Carols, Candles, Communion

Festival Worship, 7 p.m.

Carols, Candles, Communion

Though we know Jesus to be near at all times, we are especially attuned to his presence in these dark, cold winter days. Because we believe as we sing, “For the poor in heart, Jesus comes.” Blessed Christmas.

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