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460 Sunset Ridge Road

Northfield, IL 60093

Let There Be...

October 30, 2023

And Suddenly There Was Love.

As winter darkness falls and the night sky brightens with stars, we gather to sing God's first song: "Let there be!" Our Christmas Cantata is shaped around original compositions by our own Mischa Zupko and Pastor JoAnn Post, as well as familiar songs and tunes (including "Silent Night" and "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came") . Nestled in the narrative of God's creative love--from the day God first called light into being until Mary learned that God was creating life in her--we sing of the miracle of God's ongoing, endless, cosmic love for us and all creation.

This unique performance is in collaboration with the creative genius of In The Realm of Senses, under the artistic direction of  Jeff Yang, who will provide unique lighting and scents to help tell the story in a whole new way!

"Let There Be" will be performed by children's and adult choirs, strings and piano. Please join us Sunday afternoon, December 10 at 4:30 p.m., to welcome the birth of Christ, whose cradle is creation.

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