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(847) 446-8335

460 Sunset Ridge Road

Northfield, IL 60093

Come and See

JoAnn Post • January 12, 2023

Welcome, friend. Our doors and hearts are open.

I was recently invited to an event at the mosque one of my neighbors attends. He said,  “Please come. It starts at 4. There will be food and prayers.” 

I’m sure that to him, a member of the mosque, that invitation made perfect sense. But to me, who had never attended an event like that in a mosque? I had a million questions.  Would the event start promptly at 4 or was that only the gathering time? Should I cover my hair; take off my shoes? Would women and men pray together? What would we eat? How long would the event last? Would they speak English? Would there be an offering? The mosque is a big building—where would I find him?

In fact, when I arrived at the mosque, my fears fled. I was early and over-dressed. I hadn’t budgeted enough time. But, my neighbor and members of the mosque could not have been more welcoming. I still wish I had been better prepared.

I wonder if we at Ascension make assumptions about the questions our guests and visitors might ask, especially if they are not Lutheran Christians who understand our “shorthand.” Here’s what you can expect when you join us for worship at Ascension. (And I hope you



We are congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Information about our denomination’s faith commitments can be found at There you can read about our understanding of scripture, our teaching about God, our ecumenical, interfaith and social commitments.


We are a liturgical church, which means we follow a pattern of worship common to Lutherans, but with local variations. Our music ranges from contemporary to traditional, and includes cantors, ensembles, instrumentalists and congregational singing. We are accompanied by piano, organ, guitar and drums, as appropriate for the music. Our Directors of Music are classically trained and wonderfully creative. We are a singing

congregation, as happy to sing old favorites as to try something new.

We offer a single worship service on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. We begin promptly at 10, but worshippers trickle in for about 15 minutes after that. Worship typically lasts about an hour.

We celebrate Holy Communion each week using gluten-free bread and non-alcoholic wine. All are welcome at the table. Abstaining from the meal is also okay—no one will question or coerce you.

We practice infant baptism, which means that believers of any age are welcome at the font. To learn more about our baptism or communion practice, be in touch.


Our facility is fully accessible. Our parking lot is large, with clearly marked parking for drivers with disability tags. There are 19 entrances to our building (most of them locked), but on Sunday mornings and during the week we use the front entrance—look for the large glass doors under a white triangle-shaped awning just off the Sunset Ridge entrance.


Worship attire is as casual or formal as you choose. One of our little girls wears a tutu every week. One of our high school boys often comes in his soccer uniform. Some wear jeans and polo shirts, and some wear suits or dresses. We want you to be comfortable among us. I vest with alb, stole and chasuble; our worship assistants wear albs, as well.


Children are welcome and integral in all parts of our life together. Activity bags are provided in the sanctuary for children who remain with their parents. Children are also welcome in our staffed nursery (infants – 3 years of age) or in the Godly Play classroom (3 years of age – 3rd grade). Godly Play children gather at 9:30 a.m. for Singing Time and then move to the Godly Play classroom at 10 a.m. They join the congregation in the sanctuary for communion each week. You can learn about Godly Play at


Our ministry is funded primarily by the generosity of our members and friends. Most of our members and friends practice online giving. We are happy to tell you about that, if you are interested. We also pass the offering plate on Sunday. Your financial support is welcome, but not necessary.


We gather for a social time after worship each week. Coffee and cold beverages are served; some sort of sweet or treat is also offered. That time after worship is as holy as is the time we spend in the sanctuary. We hope you will join us for that, as well.

Safety Protocols

Post-pandemic, we no longer require mask-wearing in the building, or practice strict distancing protocols. But some choose to wear a mask or sit apart. We encourage you to do whatever makes you feel safe.

I have been Ascension’s pastor for eight years, and continue to find it a vibrant, faithful, thoughtful, welcoming community. Please join us for worship or other events. If you have questions about joining us, please be in touch with our church office (contact) or with me

directly (Pastor).

I pray you will feel as welcome here at Ascension as I did (eventually) at my neighbor’s mosque. We invite you to join us in-person or try us out remotely at YouTube livestream or archive.

Welcome, friend. Our doors and hearts are open.

Pastor JoAnn Post

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