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We Sing for the Last Alleluia!

Ami Frick • January 11, 2023

The Last Alleluia: A Songfest Before Lent Falls

The Last Alleluia: A Songfest before Lent Falls

Sunday, February 19, 4 – 6 p.m.

Hackney’s on Lake, Glenview

Hosted by Northfield Township Lutheran Congregations

Please join pastors, members and musicians of Ascension, Gloria Dei, Holy Trinity and St.

Philip Lutheran Churches for an afternoon of joyful hymn singing before we shutter

“Alleluia!” for the season.

Hymns will be selected from ELW (Evangelical Lutheran Worship) randomly from

suggestions provided by those in attendance. Food and beverage will be available for


This is a terrific opportunity to strengthen our bonds in ministry, to sing favorite hymns

and maybe learn a few new ones. No reservations needed. You are encouraged to bring

friends and neighbors.

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